
If you've used a Bathmate, the world's best penis pump, you'll know first hand about the real results they deliver, boosting penis size and firmness. There's just one thing they're missing out on - the pleasure element.

Bathmate hydropumps are all about the results. They're not meant to be sexually stimulating (though many of our customers disagree on that). If you want to make your Bathmate sessions more arousing (and successful), we've got the perfect add-on for you:

Easily attached to any hydropump (except the ultra-sized HydroXtreme11), HydroVibe means real pleasure. Using the vibrations from two detachable VIBE Bullet vibrators, HydroVibe stimulates the water inside your pump - and you! 

Because of the powerful pleasure created by HydroVibe, you can expect better-than-ever hydropump results, with enhanced bloodflow and endorphin release adding an all-new factor for your workout.